Below are the terms and conditions of business by which BAY INDOOR SPORTS accepts participants to their events. Participants include individuals and teams who wish to take part in any BAY INDOOR SPORTS competition. We do not accept participants on any other terms. These conditions do not affect your statutory rights


    1. When a team joins a BAY INDOOR SPORTS league either by phone, internet or post they are forming a contract subject to these Terms and Conditions with BAY INDOOR SPORTS and are committing to the duration of at least one season, or 10 weeks, whichever is the longer period
    2. Participants agree to abide by the League and Playing Rules as published on the website and sent to the nominated captain upon entry
    3. 1.3.BAY INDOOR SPORTS reserve the right to refuse entry of any Participant, team or organisation from its competition without giving a reason; or exclude any Participant, team or organisation from its competition for breaches of these Conditions or of the Playing Rules or in respect of any misconduct whatsoever by its team Participants or supporters or associates of the same
    4. A GST Tax Invoice will be issued if specifically requested by the team
    5. Any leniency granted in this regard does not jeopardise our rights to claim this money in the event of non-payment
    6. If the full match fee is not received before the season, for any reason, BAY INDOOR SPORTS maintains the right to implement the ‘No Pay – No Result’ procedure
    7. League Fees are not refundable; however should a suitable, paying replacement team be found management will be in a position to offer a refund
    8. Any outstanding monies will be forwarded to Debt Collection Agency for collection. Any collection costs charged by the Agency will not be the responsibility of BAY INDOOR SPORTS and will be liable by the Captain / Manager
    9. The team captain is responsible for all team underpayments and match fee arrears
    10. 3.10.BAY INDOOR SPORTS reserve the right to withhold any trophies and prizes from teams that have monies owing from debt accrued throughout any season(s)
    11. Time slots will be 40 minutes, unless otherwise stipulated such as at Victoria Park
    12. 15.4.Without prejudice to the generality of the above, in no event shall BAY INDOOR SPORTS be liable for:
      1. any damage to property whether arising directly or indirectly from any breach or tort;
      2. loss of income, or profit, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings whether arising directly or indirectly from any breach or tort;
      3. loss or damage;
      4. any indemnity in respect of the items listed directly above
      5. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, the liability of BAY INDOOR SPORTS for all the losses caused by a breach or tort giving rise to a claim shall be limited to damages of 3 times the total amount paid by the Participant to BAY INDOOR SPORTS pursuant to the Competition in respect of which the breach or tort shall occur, and which both BAY INDOOR SPORTS and the Participant have considered and agree is a reasonable sum given the respective positions of the parties and the types of direct losses likely to occur

    1. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first served basis
    2. A set number of teams can be accepted into the competition and any Teams that miss out will be placed on a waiting list
    3. Teams may register up to 16 players* (exceptions may be granted)
    4. All Team captains are responsible for having their Team Registration entered on-line
    5. Players must play at least four games for their team to be eligible to participate in semi-finals and finals

    1. The game fee, as stipulated in the QUICK INFORMATION section of these terms and Conditions shall be determined by BAY INDOOR SPORTS, this may change from time to time. A deposit may be required to secure your spot in the competition
    2. The match fees are payable before the 2nd week of competition, unless an alternative arrangement is made in writing with administrator
    3. Payments can be made;
      1. By Direct Credit into Acc: Sportsman Sanza: ASB - 12-30530608734-00 Please make sure you include your team name, or reference number, as a reference otherwise we will not be able to match the payment up to your team
      2. “Cash on the night” direct to league manager
      3. “Online, by credit card” using PAYPAL and available to registered players

    1. Draws & Results will be published on the website of the competition
    2. All games will be confirmed via email / and or txt. There may be times that the draws will be delayed for reasons such as new rounds and semis/finals. We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time
    3. Game times change from time and thus while the entire season’s draw is on the website, management reserve the right to make week to week amendments
    4. Management will endeavour to have results published within 12 hours after the game and will endeavour to have the correct draws displayed at least 4 days before play.



    1. The captain is wholly responsible for his / her team’s conduct towards the referee
    2. 5.2.BAY INDOOR SPORTS will not tolerate referee abuse and any infringement of the referees rights could lead to the guilty player being banned from the season with no refund
    3. Experienced Referees will be provided and the Referee’s decision is binding and final
    4. If you are interested in becoming a Referee please contact us

    1. All players must wear an identical coloured playing shirts. It is not compulsory that these shirts must have numbers, except where stated. Suitable footwear must be worn
    2. No spikes, rugby boots (with removable sprigs) and boots with metal cleats are allowed
    3. Teams have 2 weeks grace from the first playing night to have regulation shirts, after which teams will forfeit points and/or will not be allowed to take the field. This will be monitored
    4. *An exception may be granted by management but this is not a right

    1. Please adhere to the Playing rules as published on the BAY INDOOR SPORTS website
    2. In mixed social games, 2 points may be awarded for a female try
    3. The season will consist of:
      1. Grading rounds. These can range from as many as 1-5 weeks
      2. Competition rounds. Usually 3-8 weeks but may vary due to team numbers
      3. Semi-finals night. All teams play on this night
      4. 7.3.4. Finals. All teams play on this night

    1. If a team is absent for a fixture without giving proper notice the opposition shall be awarded the game
    2. Defaults are taken seriously as this is not fair on the opposition, Referee or On-field Co-ordinator
    3. If your team is going to default a game you must give BAY INDOOR SPORTS at least 24 hours notice
    4. A full match fee will be imposed on teams that do not give sufficient, or any, notice
    5. If your team is short of players, BAY INDOOR SPORTS recommends your team show up for a friendly game. The Module Co-ordinator/Referee will try to help find fill-ins. No team likes showing up to find they have travelled to the game to find no game at all, please be considerate
    6. Please note: A team will be considered to have defaulted should they not field a team within the first ten minute period of the game. For every two minutes that a team is late, one goal will be awarded against that team to a maximum of five goals
    7. If your opposing team has defaulted, BAY INDOOR SPORTS will arrange a friendly game and will award a 10-0 Victory

    1. Points - 4 for a win, 2 for a draw, 1 for a loss, 0 for a default
    2. If at the end of the qualifying round two teams have equal points
    3. The team who beat the other team will be placed ahead
    4. If still undecided, the difference between the points scored for and those scored against will be collated and the team with the highest point’s differential will be placed ahead
    5. If still undecided, points scored for will be divided by the points scored against and the team with the highest point’s differential will be placed ahead
    6. If three or more teams have the same game points, the differential system’s only applies
    7. In all situations if the result is still a draw after each step has been applied, a toss of the coin will decide

    1. 10.1.The On-field Co-ordinator will have a First Aid Kit for emergencies
    2. 10.2.It is the responsibility of the teams to provide their own strapping tape and Ice Packs

    1. 11.1.BAY INDOOR SPORTS does NOT cancel because of cold weather and rain

    1. 12.1.Due to the social and fun nature of our competitions, protests and appeals are a rarity. Most matters can usually be dealt with without having to a formal procedure
    2. 12.2.An automatic two game suspension can be placed on any player who is ordered off the field by a Referee
    3. 12.3.Three “sin bins” on any one player can result in an automatic two game suspension
    4. 12.4.BAY INDOOR SPORTS  reserves the right to suspend any player whose conduct is in breach of the spirit of the game
    5. 12.5.Protests and appeals must be submitted within 24 hours of the completion of the game or 30 minutes in events where 24 hours is not applicable i.e. finals
    6. 12.6.Any issues with the management of the competition, grounds or other issues outside of general competition queries can be addressed to Competition Organiser – admin@BAY INDOOR SPORTS or 021 6665668



    1. 13.1.Prize-giving will be held after the finals on that respective night
    2. 13.2.Prize-Giving Venues will be confirmed closer to the time
    3. 13.3.Remember team members will only receive a prize if they are at the prize-giving! Be There!
    4. 13.4.Any monies owed which are not covered by the team deposit shall be collected via the credit card

    1. 14.1.All participants understand that these events are contact sports and contain an element of risk to the person participating
    2. 14.2.BAY INDOOR SPORTS takes care to select suitable and safe venues and able referees. But all participants agree and understand that BAY INDOOR SPORTS does not own or have exclusive occupation of premises used for Competition Fixtures; has little or no control in respect of persons admitted to premises (including adjacent pitches and surrounding perimeters) during Competitions and have little or no control as to how premises are used and left before and / or after Competitions
    3. 14.3.Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that they do not allow their team Participants to commence a game until and unless satisfied that the surface and other conditions are safe for the activity in question having due regard to the characteristics of their team Participants
    4. 14.4.Participants must report to BAY INDOOR SPORTS at the earliest opportunity any perceived dangers, violence (or threats of the same), or any other misconduct of whatever type.

    1. 15.1.BAY INDOOR SPORTS shall provide its services with reasonable skill and care and to a reasonable standard
    2. 15.2.In so far as BAY INDOOR SPORTS is in breach of the agreement and the breach is capable of remedy, BAY INDOOR SPORTS will use its very best efforts to provide a solution mutually acceptable to BAY INDOOR SPORTS and the Participant
    3. 15.3.Notwithstanding the above, in the event of BAY INDOOR SPORTS:
      1. breaching the agreement or committing any tort, including the negligence or negligent misstatement of its servant or agents; and / or
      2. being in any breach of any statutory or common law duty of care will have no liability to Participants save that BAY INDOOR SPORTS will indemnify the Participant in respect of any death or personal injury caused thereby and in respect of which no limitation or exclusion is intended;
  16. OTHER

    1. 16.1.BAY INDOOR SPORTS may subcontract the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement to any person without notice. Where BAY INDOOR SPORTS does subcontract its obligation under this agreement BAY INDOOR SPORTS shall not be responsible for every act or omission of the sub-contractor
    2. 16.2.This Agreement shall not otherwise be assignable by the Team Captain without the prior written consent of BAY INDOOR SPORTS. BAY INDOOR SPORTS may assign this Agreement to any person
    3. 16.3.BAY INDOOR SPORTS shall not be liable for any loss or damage cause by delay in the performance or non-performance of any of its obligations where the same is occasioned by any cause whatsoever that is beyond BAY INDOOR SPORTS's reasonable control including but not limited to an Act of God, war, civil disturbance, un-preventable flood, failure or neglect on the part of any utility supplying electricity, gas or water, the unavailability of or the prevention of access to premises, governmental regulations, prohibitions or enactments of any kind, strike, lock-out or trade dispute (whether involving its own employees or those or any other person), difficulties in obtaining staff or materials, breakdown of machinery, fire or accident or loss of premises. Should any such event occur the BAY INDOOR SPORTS may cancel or suspend the Agreement without incurring any liability for any loss or damages thereby occasioned
    4. 16.4.This contract shall be governed by New Zealand Law and shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of New Zealand Courts